The suffering in the devastated Gulf Coast certainly puts a shameless personal plea for help into proper perspective. Shameless. Personal. My scarf for adventurous Celia's Scarf Exchange, a modified version of Amanda Blair Brown's Stripes and Bobbles, is almost finished. But I'm stricken with indecision on what colors to use for the bobbles. Can you help? Please leave suggestions in the comments. Thanks.
Here she is, Stripes Without Bobbles (click on the photo for a larger version):
Wonderful Fannie from Marseilles sent another SP5 surprise: A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle. I'm hooked and others must be too – it's the first book in a media triumph that includes two sequels, Toujours Provence and Encore Provence, a book group guide from the publisher, and a movie starring the author. Again, by a happy synchronicity, it arrived at just the right moment, after a truly dreadful week. Thank you, Fannie!
And thanks also to Christina for her e-card, which provided a timely, gentle lift.
Roundabout Exit 151, my township is currently hosting 38 hurricane evacuees, ranging in age from babes in arms to seniors. People longing to donate "stuff" now have names, faces, and shirt sizes! There's overflowing response to immediate needs and some thoughtful provision for the longer term as well. I certainly expect there will be a longer term – after so much horror and loss, I can understand why someone might not ever want to return.
So did you guess right???
Hi. I actually came to your blog through the Scarf-Style blog. But I can't (apparently) post there because I don't have a blog myself. But I do have an opinion!
I would get some solid yarn in some of the brighter colors - the fuchsia, the green, a blue - and use those for the bobbles.
The scarf is lovely, by the way. I did this one for a friend of my daughter's who wanted "bright colors." I used Lamb's Pride worsted in hot pink and a darker pink and turquoise and lime green and purple and was bright, you can bet! I used the same colors for the bobbles, just tried to make sure that the bobble was always a different color than either of the two strips it was joining together.
I'm going to bookmark your blog and hope to see the finished scarf!
You may have already decide on bobble colors, but I'd put some gold or pumpkin into the mix. With all the blues and purples I think the complements of those colors would look really good along with the fushia.
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