This year, the large displays included a forty-foot (12 m) floral topiary aptly titled (what else?), Floratopia, and a noisy geyser with a crashed space ship (?), but my faves are the smaller competitions and, of course, the marketplace. I walked and gawked until my feet fell off, stocked up on hard-to-find garden items, and had some excellent soul food at Delilah's at the Reading Terminal Market. And I took lots of pix, including an entire Project Spectrum in orchids (click to see larger).
For orchid fans and fanciers: the orchids are white Phaelonopsis; red, orange, yellow, and purple Brassolaeliocattleya; green Cymbidium, and blue Vanda.
F is for fear of felting. I still haven't felted or fulled anything, at least not intentionally. There oughta be a clinical classification or at least a name for this extreme reluctance to place handknits in a washing machine, this dread that disaster will ensue... maybe something like pilopoiiaphobia – from the Greek, pilos, felt + poieo, to make + phobos, fear, pronounced pill-oh-poi-ee-ah-phobia. With thanks to Fyberduck for the crafty etymology and pronunciation guide (did you see her Knitting Olympics button in Classical Greek?).
And F is for fur. Incredible to relate, there are handknitting yarns made of strips of real fur as well as those fun and funky fakes. Fabulous to be sure, but not among my favorite knitting fibers.
(See the rest of my ABCs.)
far out! fantastic! flavorful?!?!? felting is fun. trust me! (whew all that bolding made me tired!)
And Felting is Fast :) I've got a toddler at home, so speed is of the essence. I just made him a tiny needle-felted gnome, and I'm working on a larger goat/lamb toy for him.
I'm not sure how I stumbled in here, but I'll be back to visit :) I don't get much chance to knit these days, so I have to live my knitting life vicariously.
By the way, the cat sweater caught my attention - I knitted that one myself after it was reprinted in '92. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane!
And, oh, how I wish I could have gone to the Flower Show this year!
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