Monday, August 27, 2007

Rockin' Girl Bloggers et al

I'm finally catching up on a passel of postponed posts. First up, I'm a Rockin' Girl Blogger, thanks to a tag from MissyJoon! Thank you, thank you, three times thank you – I shall endeavor to prove worthy of the nomination.

Rockin' Girl Blogger button

Roberta Ferguson started the Rockin' Girl Blogger memetag on June 18 as a way to recognize fellow girl bloggers and to counter the sneering claim that girls aren't power bloggers. In her original post and updates, Roberta tagged five others and encouraged readers – nominated or not – to do the same. There are no barriers, just the pretty pink button and the conviction that blogging matters.

I did the math [waves hands] – ten weeks later, there could easily be over 12 million of us (doncha love math?), but there would seem to be fewer than 3,400. Hm. Even given the attenuation of multiple nominations, say, if 20,000 people all nominated the mighty Yarn Harlot, there still could be a LOT more Rockin' Girl Bloggers. So I'm going to think globally and act locally – and tag the Jersey knitbloggers in MY SnB and invite others (nominated or not) to grab the badge and nominate their faves (just save the button to your own server).

My SnB meets Thursday evenings at Modern Yarn and therefore is MY SnB. All of the knitters in my SnB are pretty fabulous individually; as a group they make me LMAO on a regular basis. While the ass-reduction effect may be ephemeral (sadly), the benefits of time regularly spent with kindred spirits are beyond calculation. It's the highlight of the week for many participants. Only the bloggers are listed, but all are rockin':
Kim who blogs like Athena from the head of Zeus;

Rockin' Katie;

Dorre of the encyclopedic memory;

Eileene who is overhauling her blog (please enable comments!);

Risa and her dashcam;

and Christina and Paige who mind the store (and blogless Kristen and amazing Kristine, of course).

I trust MY SnB will propagate the pink button – indeed, more widely and [cough] more promptly than I have.

Next, here's proof of socks for Sockapalooza 4. My downstream pal stopped responding to queries back in May – I just hope her socks have arrived and they fit and she enjoys them in good health. There's a pal-specific narrative that goes with them, which I'll post if I hear from her.

Sockapalooza socks

I never quite know what to make of an noncommunicative secret pal – I find it a bit disquieting. However that may be, I do want to thank the true blue hostess of Sockapalooza, Alison, and the many participants who enlivened the exchange, notably Danielle, who created a great Sockapalooza 4 label. I've volunteered to knit angel socks, should the need arise, because every Sockapaloozer should get made-to-measure socks.


dragon knitter said...

the first sockpalooza, my partner dropped off the face of the earth. alison never heard from her one way or the other (apparently her downstream partner never got her socks), so i'll never know if she got them. and they were handspun and hand dyed, too!

last time, my pal acknowledged that she'd gotten them, but never emailed, and never posted pics. le sigh.

this time around's is running really late, and although she sent me a card, when i emailed her to say it was ok, she never responded.

i'm not having very good luck

Anonymous said...

I'm so psyched to have the pink button for my MY blog. Only Christina will have to upload it, cuz she's better at that stuff than me. :)


Zarzuela said...

The socks are beautiful. I do hope they are appreciated! I've not joined many swaps because of these things I read about people flaking out. Sad really. It seems like it would be fun.


Anonymous said...

Lordy oh lordy! I am so honored that you nominated me & I laughed so hard at the Athena from the head of Zeus thing. I feel the same way about MY SnB and all of youse folks. Your sockapalooza pal will adore thsoe socks!

Unknown said...

Ina, you rock me like a hurricane. You rock my socks. You rock my world! Thank you for the tag!