Perhaps the choicest of the plunder was this Abby batt, 60/30 Merino/silk, in the evocative, Maine-appropriate colorway, Blueberries for Sal. I'm a big fan of Robert McCloskey's books, too.
I picked up some Spunky Supernova in colorway Pumpkin for September Sockdown, but a moderator disallowed it. It would seem that asking if one's yarn is suitable is an automatic disqualification. File this under KALs Gone Wrong.
As for Economics Gone Wrong, the Fed and Treasury have a plan to to protect money market funds by vastly expanding the power of the Treasury Secretary, and Congress properly has its own ideas about oversight and value to the taxpayers.
I wonder if Teh Mess isn't about to enter a new phase. Up until now it's been possible to ignore or even stigmatize people who lost their homes to foreclosure. It's easy to decry the fat compensation packages on Wall Street. But the next victims in the financial crisis are retirees dependent on pension and investment portfolios. Even cautious investors could have had their life savings substantially eroded or wiped out. (Just imagine if Social Security had been privatized!) Retirees are always among the most vulnerable when Wall Street tanks and the least able to recover - and they are among the most reliable of voters.
Given the rapidly changing economic situation, the presidential debate this Friday has changed topics from domestic policy to foreign policy. And PBS has an online candidate poll: Who do you trust more to fix the nation's economic mess?
OK, back to my happy place.
Aye, I don't know who I trust to inherit Teh Mess. I'd have to examine their track records. But obviously if either of them did pipe up beforehand, it wasn't loud enough.
How cool to trek to Spunky Eclectic HQ!!
I wonder why usury banking schemes don't qualify for recriminations of biblical dimensions. If we all had a hidden balloon payment due, we'd all be homeless!
Oh the drama over orange yarn. Who knew?
As for the debate, I will be waiting with baited breath. ~ksp
Nice acquisitions! Not orange enough?! Really?!?! They must have a really bad monitor. ;)
Thanks again for the big plug. Much appreciated!
it's not orange enough? looks orange to me. and unholyhell the mod needs a xanax! at this point i would excuse myself from the snafu.
Just had to comment to say that responses such as those you received about the orange yarn are the reasons why I don't join those things. Geez. Fluffyknitterdeb needs to get a life. Knitting is not so important as to supercede civility.
Definitely a KAL gone wrong! What is wrong with people?
Lovely fiber and wool acquisitions. I can't wait to see what you decide to make with them.
I am excited for Jessica too! I wish I lived close enough to come to the festival. I guess I'll just have to stay home and buy from her etsy!! :)
I heart your orange yarn!
From this day forward, you are the Arbiter of Orange-ness!
I would love to visit Spunky's shop some time. And I loved Bblueberries for Sal when I was a wee kid. Excellent book.
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