Left to right (click to embiggen): 1-Pink Beads, 2-solid Meadowlands, 3-variegated Meadowlands, 4-Scar, 5-Fawkes, 6-Piscean, 7-Green Merino, 8-Juta's Stocking, 9-Julesokker, 10-Clouds, 11-Fox Faces, 12-Chain Link.
At year end 2008, there were 9 singletons, now there's 12. Alas, as 12 > 9, I've obviously failed in my fibery goal to reduce the official number of singleton socks buzzing roundabout Exit 151. ::gusty sigh to match today's gusty winds::
But knitters knit on through all adversity. So here's a poll and a new vow: vote for your favorite by leaving a comment. I'll knit a mate for the sock that gets the most votes during the Ravel*****s.
Redacted 6/26/12: The Ravelry event formerly known by a name that rhymes with and supposedly infringes on the Olympics™.
That is a very hard choice, but I'll vote for #11 Fox Faces.
(I'm not going to ask how you ended up with two Meadowlands in two different colors....)
I still vote for #6. ;)
I vote Meadowlands since 2010 is a big year for the stadium...I guess 2009 was too...but that's why there are two socks.
I vote for #5 - Fawkes. :D
Hard call -- for me its between fox faces and chain link. I'll have to vote for chain link, its very cool. :)
I don't know its name, but I like #10.
Oh boy, that's a bit of a sockdown fail. I'm with Jessica, #6.
#5 Fawkes. Lots of great socks up there, but definitely #5.
#9. I love that sock.
#6 Piscean - it looks a little more complex, plus the dark colors, get it out of the way first! Plus, it's pretty!!
I vote for #3
I vote for meadowlands; cause I still want the pattern. PunkyFleck
Late to the party, but I vote for green sock, #3!
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