Monday, April 5, 2010


Spring has sprung and then some roundabout Exit 151 – after all the rain, it's suddenly, unseasonably hot, which is accelerating spring bloom like crazy. Yesterday (Easter Sunday) 70% of the cherry trees in Branch Brook Park were at peak bloom – two weeks before cherry blossom festival weekend. Naturally, I had to go for a frolic.

Branch Brook Park

Whilst frolicking, I was eliminated from Sock Madness. More precisely, I'm out of the competition but still included as a cheerleader – I get all the patterns, but no glory. Ah well, I shan't cry; life goes on.

Many Skew wips

It seemed appropriate to start Skew by Lana Holden on April Fool's Day, but it turned out the joke's on me – the unusual construction of the sock means a certain amount of fussing to get proper fit, particularly for smaller feet or feet with nonstandard proportions (the designer gives helpful advice on her blog). Once that's done, the knitting is straightforward, no more challenging than mitered mittens or Clapotis. I'm not sure why the pattern merits being rated Piquant.

Close up of cherry blossoms

Gentle readers may detect a whiff of danger in those remarks. Strange how I never tire of the simple beauty of cherry blossoms, yet some knitting turns insipid quickly. Would that my kniting were as lovely as a tree!


--Deb said...

I can't get over how early everything is blooming--and it's only April 5th!

Bezzie said...

Let's hope there's some good blooms left for the meat of the festival! Did you read we now have more cherry trees than Washington DC! Hee!

dragon knitter said...

is that why you started FOUR pair of the skew socks? i have mine on the needles, but they're progressing slowly. just me, i guess.

Anonymous said...

I would say your knitting is lovely as a tree....