Seeing red affects my gauge, so I've set the Rose of England aside for the moment. Here she is at round 40, looking more like a sand dollar than a heraldic rose.
I expect by next week that minor indignity will be overcome and her Bramble Stitch petals will be recognizable as such.
Meanwhile, for a flower of a very different color, check out Baby Cam at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Baby is their Amorphophallus titanum or titan arum (also known as corpse flower), which is due to bloom any day now.
Yup, DH and I are in a panic about our impending trip to the UK at the end of this month. Ugh. We are a nervous...
Number Guy just suggested that perhaps we should consider not taking any flights in the near future. Not that we had any planned anyway.
The flower thing is really weird. And cool!
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