Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rhinebeck Bound

I just received my Rhinebeck Blogger Bingo card thanks to tireless Debbie, who slogged through an astronomical number of player and square permutations. I imagine factorials could be involved. My head hurts just contemplating the task.

Debbie and the MOKS tour will be at Stix-N-Stitches (Exit 148) this Thursday! To honor her Gallery of Notorious Knits, I'm taking this old vintage checkerboard shawl to Rhinebeck. (Sorry about the poor photo, it's raining today.) I discovered it this weekend while rummaging through boxes and rotating clothes. It's one of my oldest FOs still extant, the genuine article, a mildly kitschy filet crochet artifact. Groovy! Just the thing for a Blogger Bingo square.

Groovy checkerboard shawl

Alas, there's no documentation. I had completely forgotten about this shawl. I remember loving the yarn, a hazy mohair and bouclé laceweight, but can't remember its name or anything about the pattern. (I do remember modifying the pattern to make the shawl smaller.) Its construction makes its tails longer than the tails of a Shetland half-square shawl would be, which helps it sit securely. For reasons unknown, the crochet is worked Bosnian-style. If anyone knows more, do tell.

I'm looking forward to a fun time at Rhinebeck. But I was disturbed to read about SistahCraft's negative experience at the Brooks Farms booth at MDS&W. That's simply not acceptable. Personally, I think anti-racist shoppers should descend on them at Rhinebeck and, if anything is amiss, register their complaints with Festival Manager Bob Davis (telephone 845-756-2323).

Edited to add: Blogspot was behaving badly when I initially tried to post this post. The delay afforded the opportunity to tack on a "proof of life" photo demanded by group mom Sharon for the ISE3 Exchange. Well, friends, not to worry, My So-Called Scarf is still alive, although it's curled into a fetal ball, perhaps to emulate the roving that's been getting so much attention lately. Ah, sibling rivalry. Uncurled, she's more than three feet (1 m) long.

ISE3 scarf, still alive

Maybe the scarf would enjoy an outing to Rhinebeck too. Roundabout Exit 151, it's usually the socks that have adventures (they have the advantage of portability), but Rhinebeck is a place where shawls (and therefore scarves, stoles, lappets, and even clapotis) rule. [g]


--Deb said...

I can't wait until Rhinebeck . . . at least I'll have a great bag to bring with me!

the stripey tiger said...

Thanks Ina, surely I didn't demand ;-) more of a gentle reminder I thought....lol :-) Sharon