For one thing, while they may be transparent, they aren't colorless – their glaucous cast makes my bare toes look positively cadaverous. Gah. They tend to develop an internal weather system, complete with fog and trickling precipitation (that doesn't happen with the old clogs). Plus I was dismayed to see their opaque cousins at Target for half what I paid. Nothing takes the shine off a purchase faster.
This weekend I tried them with light socks. This pair (left) seemed particularly suited for the fishbowl effect. But nothing beats handknit (right).
I'm liking the new clogs better now. Not least because, clearly, I need many more pairs of striped socks. [g]
I like them better with socks too!
They look better with hand knit socks. I think they were designed for hand knit socks. I am sure that you will find another pair for gardening.
DEFINITELY better with handknit socks!
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