This week I'm re-organizing the office and am pretty much guaranteed to be offline, over-caffeinated, and grouchy for the duration. I can't find anything useful when I want it; however, I did find some 5¼-inch floppy disks (ETA: pictured with other media for scale – notice the
copyright dates). [Shriek!]

At least I have a pair of newly finished peppermint stripe socks, worked in Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in my generic sock pattern. I'm happy the toes are different.

Red dye often runs, which would majorly spoil the charm of these socks, but this yarn seems to be colorfast – woo and hoo, Lorna's!
gotta love the stripey fraternal goodness.
think that's bad? my computer doesn't have a drive for 3 1/2" floppies. i bought it in january. what's next? CD's? is everyone going to go to flash drives?
oooh socks are awesome... I love the lornas! Good luck with the office reorganization.
Is there some way to craft with ancient floppydisks? Maybe work it into a macrame piece? I love the pepperminty red socks!
Floppies (and old CD's) make great coasters ;o)
Love the Lorna's socks - they'll sure make for happy feet!
Would you believe that I was using 5 1/4" floppies at work as recently as 3 years ago? It was the ONLY way to get files onto our Xerox laser printer, and the techs told us it couldn't be upgraded to 3.5" disks . . . sheesh! I don't miss that printer (or the forms-design program that came with it) at all!
Cute toes! That's my favorite part of those socks you made--the mismatched toes.
Old floppy disks. Ah. I feel all nostalgic now. ~x~
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