Happy Valentine's Day! Today roundabout Exit 151 the wind is howling and strange winter precip is falling, clear sleet mixed with white globular snow, which makes tinkling noises and bounces. It's a good day to stay snug indoors and knit my
Noni Adventure Bag (No. 112, Fall 2006).

It's also a good day to check out the new Love and Kisses stamp

and the fun
USPS contest to guess how many Hershey's Kisses fit in a Priority Mail box. And have a look at the 2007 secular Christmas stamps,
Holiday Knits (!) by Nancy Stahl (scroll down to the bottom of the page). USPS notes, "In recent years, knitting has become quite popular again, both in the United States and internationally." I guess they've
noticed all the mail orders and secret pal boxes flying around creation. [g]
Thanks for all the kind words about Rose and solicitous inquiries about me – I'm definitely feeling the love. I've had no post pin-out back pain. A friend's dad was one of the last of the Brooklyn stevedores; because of his cautionary stories I followed union work rules – 15 minutes steady work followed by a short break. It seemed a little silly in the beginning when I was fresh and eager, but it seemed truly wise before the end and almost miraculous the next day. The technique also is a good way to stay hydrated while bicycling long distances... but somehow it doesn't prevent soreness after snow shoveling [sigh, twinge].
are you plowed out yet???
I started my second set of socks using yarn Kirsten sold me many months back. I can't wait to show them to her. Maybe I'll drop by another one of ya'lls s&b nites.
That Noni bag is the first one i've seen that I actually liked! cool, can't wait to see it.
I saw those knitting stamps a few months ago--aren't they great? And, well, stamps with Hershey kisses . . . gotta love them!
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