My pole beans have been behaving very strangely this year, none more so than this sprout emulating the St. Louis Gateway Arch*. It's been like that for five weeks. The stem gets thicker and thicker (see a normal stem in the background), but it doesn't lift its head out of the ground. DH thinks I should "help" it. I'm inclined to wait and see what it will do on its own. What do you think?
My first tomato suffered a setback. It's almost ripe now, and that has not escaped notice.
Dang birds. Ah well, c'est la jardinage.
* The Arch frames the Old Courthouse, where the Dred Scott case was heard before going to the U.S. Supreme Court, 150 years ago.
Note to self: Make sure the birds don't get my tomatos. Thanks for the tip!
Leave the sprout. I want to see what happens!
Leave it be. I'm curious as to what will happen!
Sorry about the tomato! That is one benefit of being 11 stories up -- the birds usually don't notice my plants.
I'd leave the bizzaro bean alone to fly its freak flag as it sees fit. Sorry about the tomato. Damn birds!!!
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