Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fire and Ash Wednesday

A brief second post today, just to round out the last of my formal WIP Wednesdays.

While pondering elemental Fire for Project Spectrum 3, I learned that Gigi Silva of Socktopia and Monkey Toes died following a long struggle with lupus. In response, Sockdown February was expanded to include a memorial knit-along. So my WIP for today is Fawkes socks by Gigi Silva. In many traditions, the phoenix is a symbol of fire and ash, death and resurrection, courage and beauty.

Fawkes sock

There's plenty more WIPs (and UFOs) buzzing roundabout Area 151. But perhaps that's sufficient contemplation of finitude for one evening.


Jessica said...

A very fitting tribute indeed.

Kim said...

Very touching tribute. The sock is so gorgeous and firey-colored.