Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Amid the hectic flurry of another campaign season, with its sometimes pointed, sometimes absurd, often divisive rhetoric about "real America," "real Americans," "real marriages," "real families," ad nauseum, it's well to pause – if only for a moment – and to recall that terrible day 11 years ago. Of the many stories that have emerged from the September 11 attacks, Boatlift, with restrained narration by Tom Hanks and sensitive photography, is one of the most vividly revealing about real Americans.

Or view here.

I can't help feeling stories of resilience have beauty and value, and are worth lifting up, even or perhaps especially in the midst of disagreement and discord.


--Deb said...

Beautiful video, Ina.

(Though, to be fair, at Dunkirk, they were all being shot at, too!)

Kim said...

Wow, that is amazing & touching! Thanks for sharing that. Agree a millionty-percent!