My gauge tends to become variable during The Holidays, not a big deal for some projects, disastrous for others. So my dilatory NaKniSweMoNorovember Rosedale has been put in time out for the duration. Here she is languishing in her storage bag, moments before it was unceremoniously squashed and stuffed under the bed... out of sight... er, hold that thought.
Stowing Rosedale didn't accomplish anything beyond getting her out from underfoot, yet I felt strangely liberated, as if sprung from a knitterly Azkaban. I've worked with people who clear their desks during The Holidays – similar principle, but hard on staff.
Anyway... tralala... here's a holiday Odessa by Grumperina, worked in Peer Gynt colorway 664 (prize yarn from Kristen) and 6/0 Czech glass beads. Thanks again, Kristen! I love how the cap looks like a carved and ornamented pillar of ivory.
Margaux mentioned she collected sufficient afghan squares, so I'm stashing the ones I made for a future drive. No doubt they'll be needed soon enough.
Knit Unto Others has concluded, but Margene has indicated more mittens are wanted (and also commented sagely on holiday guilt). I sent two pairs to the Soaring Eagles Project, Child's Mittens by Sivia Harding, worked in Mission Falls 1824 Wool, colorways 21 Denim and 26 Zinnia.
As expected, the second Country Christmas sock isn't quite matching the first. Oh well. I like 'em. The mere thought of what they'll look like peeping out of my snow boots makes me smile. It's been snowing roundabout Exit 151, although not enough to need boots – and I'm still raking leaves.
It was announced on Tuesday that the magnificent essayist Elizabeth Hardwick passed away last Sunday. Her writing always makes me think of the kindling of many small lights from a great bonfire, perhaps an especially apt image during the holiday season. Must pause and haul out a book of her essays and read a bit.
Rosedale's gone for a long winter's nap. The socks & Odessa hat are so festive. Love them! Time to get back to the holiday knitting.
love your odessa! i like how you're using colorful beads... and yes hold on to them squares! we'll use them soon enough :-)
Nice Odessa. I alos love that Country Christmas color you have there. Very festive!
I'm sorry you've been having a stressful week. I love the Odessa hat (I don't think I've seen an ugly one), and I'm still chuckling at the "tralala" you tossed in there . . . that's the spirit!
"Knitterly Azkaban" -- love that! Love the new hat. Keep your chin up, this too shall pass.
Oooh, the Peer Gynt looks great in such a pretty hat.
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