I knit a bit on Anemoi, enough to discover the pattern is incredibly clever and Diakeito Diamusee Fine and Rowan Scottish Tweed 4-ply don't play well together. As that's essential in colorwork, Anemoi is in the time out corner until I can rummage through stash for a better pairing.
Meanwhile, I've sorted out more of my Flower Show pix. Having a digicam has revolutionized the way I experience the show. I used to take a notepad – when I saw a plant I liked, I'd jot down its name and notable characteristics and maybe add a sketch. Now I just snap pix of the plants and their labels. That was a prohibitively expensive proposition when shooting film, but electrons are cheap. Here's a favorite Caladium, with label.
For the Amaryllis fanciers out there in knitblogland, here's four specimens (click on the photos to view bigger).
And here's a trio of orchids. I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to photograph the Dendrobium, which is not pink. The white Cattleya was enormous, more than a foot (.3 m) across. I've never seen a solid vermillion Paphiopedum before.
Sometimes I miss my old notepad.
Digital photography has its good points, too. [g]
Oh, and if you missed this π Day, there's Pi Estimation Day, usually observed 7.22. ETA1: But don't miss wishing Margene a happy birthday (per Carole)! ETA2: Also congratulate my excellent spinning teacher, Stacey, who's a new mom of twins!!
Beautiful photos!! So nice to see a glimpse of spring.
Beautiful photos!! So nice to see a glimpse of spring.
Thank you for the nice birthday wishes!!
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